This 10 lb. bag of grubGone will cover up to 5,000 square feet. It can be used with any commercial or residential spreader.
- Easy-to-apply biological, granulated insecticide
- A non-chemical choice for areas that kids and pets frequent
- Active ingredient is Bt, a naturally-occurring soil bacterium
- Control all scarab grubs including Japanese Beetles, Masked Chafers, Asiatic Garden Beetles, Oriental Beetles, European Chafers and more
- Safe for use on all types of grass and ornamentals
- Can be applied with other insect controls
Ask a Question-
What is the best time to apply this product
Hello, grubGONE! can be applied from spring to fall. However, summer application is recommended. Apply grubGONE! G during mid-summer (End of July / Beginning of August) to control newly hatched grub larvae that are in their first weeks of development. Apply within 2 - 3 weeks of peak flight of adult beetles.
Can this be used in a vegetable garden?
grubGONE! IS OMRI Certified and the label has language regarding application to ornamental landscapes. However, we recommend beetleGONE! to be used in vegetable gardens. beetleGONE! is a water dispersible powder that can be sprayed on foliage (include fruits and veggies) to control beetles. It can also be sprayed on the garden bed to control grubs beneth the surface. In addition, the dry powder can be mixed into the soil to control grubs.
I have Scotts Turf Builder Handheld Spreader. I am unable to read small print on GrubGone pkg. What setting shall I use to apply product? Ready to apply now.
For Scotts® Hand-Held Spreaders (manual models) we recommend a setting of 3. For all spreaders the goal is to find a setting that allows product to distribute evenly. We also recommend applying grubGONE! at a rate of 3 LBS / 1000 sqft for best results. Then irrigate the product into the root zone where the grubs are feeding. Thanks for the inquiry.
After i apply grubgone do I water the yard or Water before application? Or no watering at all? The print is so small on the bag I am having problems reading the instructions.
Sprinkler irrigation of 1/2 inch or moderate rainfall shortly after application is required to move the active ingredient into the root zone of the turf where the annual white grubs feed. If you need further assistance or would like a spreader settings & application guide please email Thank you!
How do you apply to lawn in spring? Do you need a spreader? If so, does it need to have different settings? And how much of the product do you need per sf?
Yes, apply with a spreader. 2.5-3 LB per sqft is recommended. More info on spreader settings can be found here: