beetleGONE! ag
Just For Farmers / Growers & Agricultural Users
beetleGONE! ag effectively controls susceptible beetles, weevils, borers and grubs upon ingestion. It is the first BT insecticide powerful enough to control both adult and larva stages of susceptible beetles. Yet, beetleGONE! ag demonstrated no adverse risks to non-targets tested. The viable spores of bacillus thuringiensis are exempt from the requirement of a tolerance and beetleGONE! ag is EPA registered for preharvest food and animal feed crops.
- For use in fields, greenhouses and orchards
- Protects the value of crops by effectively controlling susceptible beetles
- Helps manage resistance to chemistries with a new mode of action for IPM programs
- No label restrictions for bees or flowering plants
- Less management stress with no worries about MRLs, 0 day PHI, 4 hour REI for agricultural uses
- Complient with the USDA National Organic Program for use in organic crop production
beetleGONE! ag is available in quantities from 5 lb bags up to 100 lb drums. Contact us at 650-296-2574 for more information.
Target the Pest, Not the Rest!