grubGONE! Product Information
This easy to apply granule is effective at controlling various types of invasive grubs without harming beneficials such as honeybees, ladybugs, fish or birds.
Spring Application:
Apply grubGONE! G during springtime (shortly after the ground has thawed) to control overwintering grubs that are coming up near the surface of your lawn to feed on the roots.
Summer Application (Recommended):
Apply grubGONE! G during mid-summer (End of July / Beginning of August) to control newly hatched grub larvae that are in their first weeks of development. Apply within 2 - 3 weeks of peak flight of adult beetles.
Fall Application:
grubGONE! G is also an excellent product for fall grub control. Beetles spend their summer eating and laying eggs and by August, small (1st instar) grubs appear below the surface of your turf, feeding on the roots. Eventually turf damage becomes noticeable in the fall as these grubs grow into larger 2nd & 3rd instar grubs. The good news is that grubGONE! G is a proven winner against these larger grubs. Meaning you can successfully treat for grubs well into the fall season; thus helping you lessen the impact grubs and beetles have on your yard next year.
No Weeding Required!