Home / Canada

Company Information:

Phyllom BioProducts Corporation (PBC) is a biotechnology company focused on the discovery, development, marketing and sales of safe, high-performing, non-chemical BioProducts for the Crop Protection and Animal Health Sectors. Phyllom has currently developed and launched novel BioInsect Control Products that are prime replacement products for several market-leading, neonicotinoid, chlorantraniliprole and other chemical products in $2B+ worth of plant protection markets in the U.S. and Canada ($3B+ worldwide). Many of the current chemical products are now being tightly restricted and/or banned by Local, State, U.S. EPA, Canadian Provincial, Health Canada PMRA, and European Union governmental actions spurred on by such issues as bee colony collapse, water pollution and potential for toxicity to field and nursery workers, customers, their children and pets, and wildlife.

PBC Products Available in Canada:

We appreciate your interest in our products! Currently, our products are available through our Distribution Partners: Plant Products Inc. and Scotts Canada Ltd.

Canadian Distribution of PBC Retail Products:

The granular product for scarab turf grub control in lawns is available to Canadian Homeowners as Scotts's Grub B Gon Max®: available at all major Lawn and Garden Retailers including a variety of independent garden centres and box stores.

We recommend using Grub B Gon Max primarily on your lawn to control turf grubs which may be in the root zone and soil profile underneath your lawn. This granular product is most easily applied using a spreader (same type of equipment used to spread fertilizer on lawns). The best time to apply is within 2 weeks of egg hatch when grubs are very small (1st instar of life cycle). This timing is typically mid-to-late Summer. Please consult a master gardener or other expert in your locale. Please also remember to irrigate product in with 1.25 to 2.5 cm of water or time your application such that there will be rainfall within a few days after application.

Given the above recommendation, there are 3 windows in which homeowners can time a successful application of Grub B Gon Max: Spring, Summer, and Fall. You can apply either in the Spring or mid-to-late Summer, then if you see some bad spots in which grubs are still active and critters (birds, racoons, skunks) are still digging, then spot treat these areas with Grub B Gon Max in the Fall.

If you are a Homeowner with Technical Questions and/or Safety Concerns or are an Independent Garden Centre and/or Nursery who is interested in carrying Grub B Gon Max for Your Customers, please contact us at 1-650-296-2574 or email at info@phyllom.com

Canadian Distribution of PBC Commercial, Professional Products:

For the Professional Lawn Care Operator, Landscaper and Arborist, we ship PBC products to our Professional Channel Distributor: Plant Products Inc. who distributes product from coast-to-coast in Canada. 

Our spreadable grubTERMINATOR!TM (granular) and sprayable grubTERMINATOR!TM WP (wettable powder) products perform at high levels to control beetle larvae (all species of scarab grubs) in turf and soil, while our sprayable beetleTERMINATOR!TM WDP (wettable dispersible powder) product works very well to protect ornamental plants (roses, linden trees, ash trees) from many types of destructive adult beetles, weevils and borers.

Professionals, if You are interested in more information or in purchasing these products, please see contact information here for two knowledgeable Plant Products Reps: Mike Ross at 905-536-4565 or Jason Ireton at 905-546-6405

If you have any Technical Questions and/or Safety Concerns, please contact us at 1-650-296-2574 or email at info@phyllom.com or contact the Gentlemen above.

Thank You, we appreciate Your business! The PBC Team.